Chicken Alfredo


Feeds : 4

Time : 25 mins

Ingredients :

  • 250 g of pasta(spaghetti/any)
  • Chicken
  • Garlic chopped Parmesan cheese
  • Double cream 
  • Pepper corns crushed
  • One teaspoon chilli flakes
  • One spoon of dried herbs
  • 1 spoon chilli chopped
  • Half spoon turmeric powder
  • 1 spoon of coriander powder
  • coriander/parsley leaves
  • Salt
  • Olive Oil and butter 

Method :

cook pasta 
fry chicken in a olive oil with salt and pepper
In a pan add olive oil , fry garlic, chilli , then add fried chicken 
Add cream, cheese and pasta. mix well with lemon juice and dried herbs

Serve with garlic bread 
