Channa briyani(chick pea briyani)


Feeds : 4

Time : 45 mins

Ingredients :

  • 3 Tomatoes
  • 1 cup of soaked and boiled channa(chick pea)
  • 2 bay leaf,2 clove,cinnamon, 2 cardamon(spice)
  • Ginger garlic paste
  • 1 cup of basmati rice
  • 3-4 green chilli
  • 1 onion
  • 1 spoon chilli powder
  • Half spoon turmeric powder
  • coriander  and mint leaves
  • Salt
  • Oil/ghee

Method :

Grind the masala (ginger,garlic,2 clove,cinnamon, 2 cardamon(spice),chilli powder,turmeric powder

In a pressure cooker, add ghee/oil. add bay leaf, green chillies, onion

Then add the ground paste,cook until the raw smell disappears, then add tomatoes,mint and coriander leaves

Now add cooked channa(chick pea), and rice

For 1 cup of rice add 2 cups of water

cook for 1 whistle.. Serve with onion/cucumber raita
