Tomato Soup


Feeds : 4

Time : 35 mins

Ingredients :

  • 6 Tomatoes
  • 2 bay leaf,2 clove,cinnamon, 2 cardamon(spice)
  • Ginger garlic paste
  • Pepper corns
  • One teaspoon cumin seeds
  • One spoon of gram flour
  • 1 spoon chilli powder
  • Half spoon turmeric powder
  • 1 spoon of coriander powder
  • coriander stems and leaves
  • Salt
  • Oil and butter

Method :

In a pan, add oil and add all spice and cumin seeds

Add ginger- garlic paste along with coriander stem

Add them in a pan and add gram flour,cook them until softens
Add 4 cups of water and boil for 10 minutes

Remove the bay leaf, Strain them well. grind the rest and strain them again

Boil the both filter soup for another 5-8 minutes

Garnish with fresh coriander leaves
Serve Hot with a bread of your choice
