Chicken Soup


Feeds : 4

Time : 35 mins

Ingredients :

  • 150 g of chopped chicken
  • 8-10 small onions
  • One or two pieces of garlic 
  • Pepper corns
  • One teaspoon cumin seeds
  • One spoon of turmeric powder
  • ginger
  • 1 tomato
  • Some curry leaves and coriander
  • Salt
  • Oil(gingely) 

Method :

Crush onion, garlic,peppercorn and cumin

In a pressure cooker, add oil and fry crushed mixture 

Add Tomato, salt, turmeric powder

Add chicken, fry for few minutes and add water 4-6 cups

cook for 6-7 vessels, Garish with coriander

Serve hot ... Enjoy for cold/ rainy days
