How To Make Mushroom Kurma

Feeds : 4 

Time : 20 mins 

Ingredients : 


    • 300g of mushroom
    • Coconut (chopped, pictured above)
    • One teaspoon of poppy seeds
    • Two tablespoon ginger garlic paste
    • One teaspoon curry powder and garam masala and one teaspoon of turmeric powder and coriander powder
    • Two green chillies
    • Coriander and mint (see above)
    • One tomato
    • One onion
    • Curry leaves
    • Teaspoon of sauf
    • 1/2 inch of cinnamon, two cardamom pods, two cloves
    • Oil
    • Salt (to taste)


Gently fry onion, green chillies, cinnamon, cardamom pods and cloves. Then add ginger garlic paste, tomato, coriander, mint and curry leaves. 

Add curry powder, garam masala, turmeric powder and coriander powder. Cook for one minute and then add the mushrooms.

Make a paste using coconut, sauf and poppy seeds and add this to the kurma and cook for approximately ten minutes.

Enjoy with idli, dosa or mushroom biryani.
